
This pages displays some examples that on how the library can be used. All the examples can also be found inside the examples folder on the github repository.

from pydualsense import *

def cross_down(state):
    print(f'cross {state}')

def circle_down(state):
    print(f'circle {state}')

def dpad_down(state):
    print(f'dpad down {state}')

def joystick(stateX, stateY):
    print(f'joystick {stateX} {stateY}')

def gyro_changed(pitch, yaw, roll):
    print(f'{pitch}, {yaw}, {roll}')

# create dualsense
dualsense = pydualsense()
# find device and initialize

# add events handler functions
dualsense.cross_pressed += cross_down
dualsense.circle_pressed += circle_down
dualsense.dpad_down += dpad_down
dualsense.left_joystick_changed += joystick
dualsense.gyro_changed += gyro_changed

# read controller state until R1 is pressed
while not dualsense.state.R1:

# close device

The above example demonstrates the newly added c# like event system that makes it possible to trigger an event for the inputs of the controller.

from pydualsense import *

# get dualsense instance
dualsense = pydualsense()
# initialize controller and connect

print('Trigger Effect demo started')

# set left and right rumble motors

# set left l2 trigger to Rigid and set index 1 to force 255
dualsense.triggerL.setForce(1, 255)

# set left r2 trigger to Rigid
dualsense.triggerR.setForce(0, 200)
dualsense.triggerR.setForce(1, 255)
dualsense.triggerR.setForce(2, 175)

# loop until r1 is pressed to feel effect
while not dualsense.state.R1:

# terminate the thread for message and close the device